Meet the Dogs

Allee is a black lab living in Glenview, IL. She was adopted from a shelter in early 2007 when she was still a puppy. She and her big brother Buddy were best friends for 10 years before Buddy passed away in 2017 at the age of 12. Her big brother Sam, also a rescue dog, was born circa 1993 and passed away in 2008 when he was around 15 years old. In 2017, Allee became a big sister to a new little puppy! She was recently featured in the Furever Home Friends book "The Love of Senior Dogs," published in 2020.

Chewie is a pit bull mix living in Chicago, IL. Before Chewie went to the shelter, he was injured, resulting in scars on his face and ears and BB pellets embedded under his fur. Regardless, Chewie loves to smile for the camera! Chewie lived at ALIVE Rescue in Chicago before he was adopted in 2016. Now, Chewie models for his Instagram page! You can find him online at @thischarmingchewie.

Wrigley is a mutt of unknown origin living in the north suburbs of Chicago. She loves dancing with her dad and causing general mischief! When Wrigley was a young puppy, her first family returned her to the shelter. Soon after, she was adopted again, this time by her forever family. Wrigley's family, the shelter volunteers, and the vet have all guessed that she might be a different breed--from a schnauzer, to a terrier, to part lab. But no one knows for sure, and her family is fine with keeping it that way!

Kringle is a pit bull mix from Chicago, IL. Kringle first came to ALIVE Rescue on Christmas Day; there, he began working with their volunteers on learning sign language and nonverbal communication. ALIVE's volunteers fell so in love with Kringle that a group of them adopted him together, making themselves his forever family!