Dog Blog
Cat of the Day: Kiko's Story
Posted by Savy Leiser on

Guest post by Kristin Fehrman I adopted Kiko in December 2020 after my cat Ollie suddenly passed away from kidney failure at 3 years old. Ollie was a VERY timid kitty who was at the shelter for ten months before I adopted him. Though his life was short, I'm grateful I was able to give him a good home and a lot of love for his final year. After Ollie passed away, I adopted Kiko at the beginning of December. He was a much different cat- bold and a bit sassy, I knew he would be a great companion to bring...
Camping for Labor Day? Keep Your Dog Safe!
Posted by Savy Leiser on

Post by Jordan Kendrick, dog trainer With the weather starting to turn cool, you may be planning a camping trip before winter. Fireworks, camping, and boating all present unique challenges and enjoyments for both dog and human. A quick brush up on the signals your dog is or isn't enjoying themselves before heading off for the weekend is a good idea. In general, tension is a signal they aren't having a good time and relaxed means the inverse. Tail wagging can swing either way depending on the stiffness and speed. Yawning and lip licking are more often...
Best YA Books To Read With Dogs In Them
Posted by Erik McManus on

Dogs are our favorite and we know that some of you out there are big readers so we wanted to put together a list of young adult books that have dogs in them either as a companion or a main part of the plot! Here are all the books we recommend and what they are about! Elatsoe Summary: Imagine an America very similar to our own. It's got homework, best friends, and pistachio ice cream. There are some differences. This America has been shaped dramatically by the magic, monsters, knowledge, and legends of its peoples, those Indigenous and those not....
"My Dog Is SCARED of Fireworks!" Tips for Surviving Fourth of July
Posted by Savy Leiser on

Post written by Jordan Kendrick, dog trainer. With the Fourth of July fast approaching, those with nervous dogs are probably getting nervous as well. Dogs becoming lost during fireworks amounts to 30% and July 5th is the busiest day for animal control shelters. Of this 30% of dogs who are lost, only around 14% are actually reunited with their owners. Here are some ways to make the fireworks more tolerable for your dog, some ways to reduce the risk of your dog becoming part of that 30% of lost dogs, some ways to improve the chances of being reunited...
Cute Pets Celebrating Pride!
Posted by Erik McManus on

Happy Pride Month everyone! We are super excited to have this month to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and all the people in it. And our pups want to celebrate too by showing off their pride! Get ready for some cuteness overload. This black lab is ready to strut their stuff through the parade! (Image by RubyThePuppy on reddit) Then we have this well behaved cutie who is being very patient. Here is Jasper and they sure are fabulous! Check out Jasper's Instagram to see more. This pooch is part of the Woof the North movement which is an Instagram...